
10 Attitude Changes to Move from X Perfectionism to ✔ Excellence

If you are a perfectionist, you are probably finding it very difficult to relinquish some of the attitudes that you feel are necessary and beneficial to your success in life. The following comparison between excellence and perfectionism may clarify the difference between striving for the best and being a perfectionist.

★ Outlook: X “It should be…”
✔ ”It is…”
★ What You’re Striving for: X Impossible & unrealistic expectations
✔ Accept what is possible & find joy
★ Self-Talk : X I must, I ought, I should…
✔ I want, I wish, I would like…
★ Making Statements: X Always a demand
✔ A request or desire
★ Motivation: X Avoidance of the negative emotions, fear of failure
✔ Strive for positive, desire success
★ Focuses On: X Product
✔ Process
★ Position Is: X Slave…in prison of perfection
✔ Free…in pursuit of excellence
★ Results: X Disappointment, Condemnation, Frustration
✔ Accomplishment, Acceptance, Fulfillment, Success
★ Lives In: X Fantasy, the future
✔ Reality, the present moment
★ Truth vs Lie: X People and things have the ability to be perfect
✔ People and things have the ability to be their best

Adapted from Developing Self- Esteem and a Positive Attitude, SOAR Program 2003


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